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Reviews for Walking Shadow Theatre Company's production of Red Speedo have been published by the Star Tribune, Talkin' Broadway, Lavender Magazine, Cherry and Spoon and The Stages of MN (Click each link for full review)

"...the performances are so gripping, it feels like you've stumbled into a private space and are witnessing something intimate...Novacek elicits commendably honest performances from her capable quartet...Peter is probably the most slippery character in 'Speedo,' a figure who could talk himself into anything. LaNave nails it, making us see his point of view even if we don't really root for him...this production of 'Speedo' might leave you dripping but also provoked and moved." - Rohan Preston, Star Tribune

"...this is a powerful play and Walking Shadow is giving it a sizzling hot production...The relationships...steam with white hot

energy...LaNave infuses Peter with a masterful glibness; he's someone who could sell a curling iron to a snowman. He depicts Peter's moral duality, between being a caring big brother looking after a kid who would be lost without him, and a conniving manipulator for whom Ray is nothing more than the means to an end. About halfway in, Peter delivers a sermon to Ray about why making lots of money–not just getting by, but a lot of money–is so vital. In that speech LaNave conveys everything Peter believes about the world and his place in it...Red Speedo is well matched to Walking Shadow's propensity for theatre that takes us someplace and raises questions we hadn't thought to explore before...another solid achievement for the scrappy company, and highly recommended." - Arthur Dorman, Talkin' Broadway

" interesting and immersive experience...a philosophical smorgasbord, offering up questions that range from the ridiculous to the profound – and that are sometimes, somehow both...performances [are] great across the board...special kudos also to LaNave, whose fast-talking character [is] responsible for at least half of the total lines" - Buer Carlie, Lavender Magazine

" incredible site-specific performance...everyone in the cast gives a great performance, fully present and in the scene, with nowhere to hide from the audience sitting just a few feet away from them. The relationships between the characters feel real, especially the two brothers, who fight like only brothers can" - Cherry and Spoon

"The four person cast is all wonderful...naturalistic and authentic...LaNave who is really strong here, is a fast talking lawyer...he’s saying some messed up stuff, but in a way that you almost get convinced his way is the best way. Pivoting constantly based on the next piece of information, it always seems like he’s thinking on his feet and never like he’s reciting lines." - The Stages of MN

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